New partnership between TomTom and Praxedo
July 8, 2015
Praxedo mobile application now available on Tomtom new devices
Praxedo mobile application is now available on Tomtom PRO 8270 and 8275 devices (Android Tablets), released in september 2014.
Tomtom PRO 8270 and 8275 users can now check their job schedule, drive to their customers with the help of tomtom navigational assistance, and directly fill-in their reports using their PRO 8270 or 8275 devices. Additional mobile device is not necessary anymore.
Praxedo application now connected to Tomtom Webfleet
It is now possible to link Praxedo with Tomtom Webfleet management system, by simply using Praxedo built-in connector without further development needed.
Built-in connector allows Praxedo users:
- To check in real-time where vehicles used by mobile users are located. In case an urgent work-order has to be scheduled, Praxedo web user can send the closest collaborator to the work-order –
- To make sure mobile collaborators tours are correctly aligned with work-orders they have carried out.