PraxedoLatest news Over 2,000 technicians now use Praxedo Intervention

Over 2,000 technicians now use Praxedo Intervention

September 28, 2008

Praxedo is proud to announce that over 2,000 technicians have now been equipped with its Praxedo Intervention geolocation and operations management platform.

The platform has been designed in line with the SaaS (Software as a Service) On-demand computing model. Developed using Web 2.0 technologies, the platform can be used without the need for pre-installation and updates are carried out transparently for users. As part of the Praxedo solution, user companies pay a flat monthly fee for each mobile terminal deployed, giving them complete control of costs.

The success of the SaaS distribution model has put the company in a prominent position in what is an extremely competitive market. “The Praxedo Intervention application has won admirers for the flexibility of the software and the reliability of our SaaS platform,” says Praxedo MD, Jean de Broissia. “Thanks to its real-time control facility, it allows companies to optimise their use of resources and to enhance their response capacity.”